Monday 1 April 2013

The Beginning - What is this all about anyway?

This is the beginning of a project to kick start the career of two writers.  Ed and I have long been writing enthusiasts, we have also been long time friends.  Writing in general, and collaboratively with one another, was the vehicle under which our friendship really deepened and became something lasting. Many times we have dreamed of being professional authors, people who get paid money to what we love to do.  We have written things in fits and spurts over a very long span of years, but we have never actually put together a manuscript of any kind.  You can see where the fatal flaw between what we are dreaming of and the reality of our situation lies.

Just the same way you can't become a brick layer without laying bricks, you can't become a writer with out writing stories.  As such we have decided that we shall write our first manuscript this year.

Here are the rules:

300 words a day minimum
Write every day
Write "shitty first drafts" (all thanks to Ann Lamot)
Motto: "I give myself permission to suck" (all thanks to Maureen Johnson)

Track our progress: Here
Read this Article: 5 Tips on Writing First Drafts

Most importantly, this is not an April Fools joke.  The fact that we are kicking this project off on April 1st is pretty damned funny, and the humor will not be lost of those of you who know us well.

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